Luxury Home : Evermay
Written By Admin on Monday, May 4, 2009 | 6:45 AM
I first mentioned Evermay when it went on sale last fall for $49 million but didn't give it the full estate of the day treatment. Now that it has had a $10 million price chop it seems as good a time as any to take a second look. Evermay, a Georgian Revival estate on 3.58 acres, is Washington D.C.'s priciest home. The 12,000-square-foot house was commissioned in 1801. It created by Samuel Davidson, a businessman and international maritime merchant who once owned more than 150 acres of land in the heart of the city, land eventually occupied by the White House, Treasury, Old Executive Office Building and Lafayette Park. Evermay is located in walking distance to the White House with views of views of the Washington Monument and Rock Creek Park. The eight-bedroom home includes a ballroom and was rented out to a foreign official for the inauguration. The land includes a gatekeepers house and a separate office. This home was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.

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